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Old 09-26-2007, 03:22 PM   #28
oystein should edit this
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I could hardly find what more to add to this, except maybe that people are talking mostly about the "Content Updates" part of the CMS job, the ease to schedule updates and have the site run by itself; the ease to add updates without editing HTML and risking with errors.

But what I do not see is an emphasis to all the other things that a full-featured paysite CMS can and must do.

Create thumbnails, resize galleries in different sizes, present videos in different formats, collect and display view stats, allow content rating, polls, favorites.

And last but not least, maintain complex relationships between the different content items - videos, related galleries with stills from those videos, model index pages listing all sets featuring each model; break down videos by scenes or organize in series; update tours in sync with the members area updates.
It is technically impossible to do some of these task by hand, yet for the others it a cumbersome workload even if you have a single site to update.

And these are 2 posts which I could comment on:

#21 S0laris:

I think a CMS is very important, but the only draw back with them is the amount of setup, and if you have multiple sites, then they all look the same because of the effort in customizing it.

Our CMS is all in house and each site has its own script that is unique to prevent the "canned" look. It is easier to do this then redo all the customizations for a new site from a 3rd party CMS.

A good modern CMS is not putting "canned look" limitations to site, neither it requires code customizations to make each site looks different.

Instead, it should be capable of updating multiple sites with the same (or varying) content, but each site has its own set of templates which are giving it its unique look, even though you do not upload neither tag content more than once.

#24 Silvercash Albert

It is important to note, that many of the 'boxed' solutions are great for companies using the propreitary affiliate software, however that is mandate these software companies want you to adopt, so your investment in their product makes it harder to revisit if you want to transition your company to alternative solution. I use the example of many cell phone companies offering free hardware, but the consumer's commitment is longer to the phone service.

Not necessarily! The CMS primaries is dealing with the content and layout, leave the billing+affiliates, members management+authentication to other systems, each one best in what it's doing.
There are some crossing points, in which case it is better if the vendor of all 3 systems is one and they all work together in concert, but this is not a must, and if all of these 3 systems can play alone, and do not strictly require to use the other systems by the same vendor, this is giving the desired sense of flexibility and ability to replace any of the others with no much hassle.

Sometimes you have to spend money to make money

Could not agree more!
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