Originally Posted by Panky
Sorry. Can't help you on this one. I'm on Linux and I use Pidgin. It's like Trillian, (in the respect that it can run multiple IM clients), and can be used on Windows and Linux systems.
I'm always of the mindset that if the current version being used works and there's no security issues, then I leave it be. Too many times I've upgraded programs just because the new features were cool or bought into the hype and it caused problems.
Hey Panky,
I am using Linux as well @ home and WILL NEVER revert to Microsoft or Apple!
My version of Vector Linux has a GAIM client and it still has the AOL stench about it.
What so you recommend? The ICQ works fine but there are too many features and I cannot find a way to integrate my history.
Good to hear you use Linux. I never cared before but after a month am a convert.
And remember...Free software=free thinking!
SO Evil C, Linux is something to consider!
No licences, no BS, no pain.
It's the only thing in my biosphere that lets me feel like one of those now hipper than a rockstar nerds!