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Thread: A Casa Nova APB
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Old 09-28-2007, 03:13 AM   #8
Casa Nova
Casa Nova should edit this
The Sex Appeal
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lol caca nova is in the house once again!

Well heres is the basic story:

Do you guys remember when Knew made a thread about if doctors still use the qtip test etc, then it got into just talking about dr tests in general and i said i had an appointment for a check up? Well at the checkup I mentioned about some pain/discomfort I was having. So she poked around, and felt a lump on my testicle.. so the next few days I went for some tests, blood work, xrays, ultra sound etc. and when the tests came back they told me i had tumor on my right testicle. Things went into motion quite quickly & within 3 days I had an Orchiectomy to remove the testicle and test to see if it was cancerous. It was.. luckily it was only stage 1 they caught it early and from the tests after the surgery it hadn't spread. To be sure though, I'm having radiation treatments to kill off any cancerous cells that may have been missed. It's been about a week and a half since the treatments began, and so far so good.

I was debating whether to tell people, but I came to the conclusion that it may help some guys become more aware of it, and check themselves regularly. I in a way had that i"m indestructible" sense about myself being so young and all, but it doesn't matter how old you are cancer doesn't care.

Anyways I should be on alot more now, I was staying at a relatives house closer to the hospital for my treatments, but now I'm back home. I continue the treatments until about christmas then I get the green light hopefully

Thanks for your concern Stephane, oh btw I still gotta check out what we were talking about in MTL.

Thanks for caring.

ICQ: 405-009-573
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