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Old 12-12-2002, 02:49 PM   #33
Juge should edit this
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Originally posted by wsjb78
Hmmm, now I'm stuck at lev 6... I can do that one. I know I can... I will be successfull...
yup, just think logically. for example, you know nothing happens from the star unless you move your guy to the top row, and usually the safest place when the thing is chasing you is when you are furthest from it, so logically, try moving to the top-right corner first. I know you've probably already done this, but this is how you gotta think to do it.

1. go to top-right corner to get the monster out
2. hide behind the horizontal wall highest up.
3. move to bottom-right corner, and delay to get him stuck
4. now you gotta move up to free him, so do it as close to the small corner wall (the left hand side one), go up. notice if you stay here, he'll get you as soon as you leave, so you gotta do something different...

read on if you want the answer......

5. go down, then up and hide.

6. simple from here on.
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