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Old 09-29-2007, 09:10 AM   #1
philsl should edit this
Livin the Life
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Manchester England
Posts: 9
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Wink Hi my Introduction

The names Phil and I have been in the adult industry for 15+ years.
Started out printing adult mags in Milan, Italy for UK customers.
It cost the publishers 50% less than in the UK.
After two years of this got right royally fucked by a company here
in the North of England.
They thought it was fun to go on the piss in Milan and see their
mag get printed then not bother to pay for the job.
Shit happens!

Started a few web sites but didn't get much joy or money.
Not good at that then.
But I have a partner now that is very good at that side of things.
Went over to Vegas for Internext, made some contacts and started
to wholesale films into the UK and Europe.
Got bored of that cause people like to pay 90 days after getting the gear.

Decided then just to buy non-selling job lots of films and bang em
out cheap through a few pals who are still big in online DVD wholesale.
Tried my hand at making films, thats like pulling teeth cause some
blokes expect to get paid for turning up to make a porn and then
can't get a hard on!!
The films turned out OK though even though the camera man
filmed all the fuckin footage in a soft light mode, what a tit.
Best fun I have had was setting up a Ben Dover Race Day at
Oulton Park Race Track.
We had a big winnibago, two vans, a mechanics wagon and service
bay and we created our own pit area. Lindsay came up with two girls
and his motor.
We had the Ford Focus RS race team all liveried up ready for the race.
But because the race was going out live on Sky Sports we had to
take the promo logos off,miserable twats.
Any way the day went great and we all had fun and made a movie.
Plus the ice-cream seller doubled his takings!!!!
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"The geezer was so hard even his nightmares where scared of him"
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