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Old 10-05-2007, 01:42 AM   #25
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Casa Nova View Post
Ronaldo, it's only been 2 games.. both of which were played against the best team in the East & defending East Champs.

We walked into ottawa on a day where they were pumped from lifting the banner.. this wasn't at all good conditions for a win. Yet we still only lost by 1, and not to mention we had a goal called back ( by rules it was fairly called back).

It's not our fault that we believe in our team... thats how true hockey fans are.. unlike you boys over on the west side who write off your teams if they dont make the big trade.

as for "our mantras" that's pretty stupid of you to say since really those are the only two options to react to the game as? After a game you can either write them off, or say its still early.. what else is there really?

Don't be jealous because we have one of the most envied franchises in sports history.. it's not our fault. The cup will come soon, maybe not this year, maybe not next.. but either way the fans will be there to support the team til the end.. sure a few bad apples will boo and heckle.. but hey thats sports.

2 games does not a season make.

P.S. We are missing our 2nd line Center in WellWood and Bell.. who both will make a huge difference with there presence on the ice.
Typical excuse laden post from a Leaf fan. I count at least 4.

What else can you say beside your typical mantra's? Well, you can give the OTHER team credit for having a better team. You can say what you think your team NEEDS instead of telling us how great your team IS. Or you could just admit that your team sucks (You can do that you know and still like to watch them).

Something about your post typifies why T.O is hated throughout a great majority of Canada though. "Don't be jealous because we have one of the most envied franchises in sports history" personifies the arrogance of people from T.O. There's no jealousy in that statement either, but people like you and Chris seem to feel that's the only reason someone would hate your team.
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