Originally Posted by Evil Chris
Yeah you say that now right? 
If you say so.
Because I don't have any outright loyalty to any NHL team anymore, when the playoffs roll around I get to pick the team I'd RATHER win. Last year for example I was cheering for Anaheim because of Teemu and Randy Carlyle. I didn't want Ottawa to win, but not because I didn't like them. Had they been playing Detroit I'd have been cheering for Ottawa without question. In FACT, I WAS hoping for a Buffalo/Anaheim final because I'd like to see Teppo Numminen get a cup. I might even have preferred him win one over Teemu (I've heard a few unflattering things about him as a teammate).
The only teams I can honestly say I despise are The Leafs and to a lesser extent, The Habs and The Lightning. Put any team against those three and I'll be cheering for the other team.
The great part about my position is when I choose to watch this "sport", I get to enjoy it for the game and not be blindly consumed by my own team...like Leaf fans always are. All of which goes a long way to explaining why you know so little about hockey.