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Old 10-06-2007, 07:42 AM   #1
frawdav should edit this
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Default Looking for some advice

I have a girl who modelled for years (fashion and commercial) before going to college. Now that she is done with school, she would like to make a few bucks by starting an adult website. The idea would be for her to be the focus of the site as she is both beautiful and has a sexy girl-next-door look. I think if we can capture who she is (a pretty, sexy, smart nerd who loves computers and sci-fi and is willing to take off her clothes for the camera), then we can get customers.

I have worked in the online business myself for years in various capacities, but I know enough to know that I don't know anything apart this end of the industry - so I was hoping some of the people on this board might be able to help me out with some advice and suggestions.

1. Should I try to put everything together myself? I would need to find a hosting service, an ecommerce service for billing (ccbill?), and put he actual site together (I do have graphic designers and web guys for that). Or should I go through some type of turnkey service to do all of that? (I am guesisng that the turnkey services are not the way to go - but I should still look at it.)

2. What are the business implications of doing it myself? Licenses, etc.

3. How many of these types of sites are successful? Are single-girl,monthly-subscription sites a feasible way to make money? I know some of them drive a lot of traffic - but how rare are those?

4. How much content do you need to start out with? How much new stuff do you need to post each week? How important is video content?

What are the things I should be aware of? What do I need to watch out for? How good an idea is this for a side venture to make a few bucks?

I would really like to hear from people who know what they are talking about - and that seems to be the people here! Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

(By the way, if this is the wrong forum for this, let me know and I wil try to get it moved to the right one.)

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