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Old 10-11-2007, 12:17 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
It's about to become an infraction (in California) to do this if someone under the age of 18 is present.


I'm not sure what to think about this. Smoking cigarettes is a legal activity, but I do agree that every effort should be made (by smokers) to keep cigarette smoke away from minors, and hopefully prevent them from becoming smokers themselves. So I have to say, that I reluctantly agree with these kinds of infractions.

well, first of all i think that smoking is bad for your health and who smokes is doing a very stupid thing (my parents in first place, bigtime smokers, always HATED that) and i think that it just takes some common sense not to smoke in a car where you have minors, since they could be damaged much more in breathing that shit i believe so the question maybe is this.....do they had to make such a law because people do not have enough brain not to smoke when they have a kid in their cars?

think about it.

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