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Old 10-11-2007, 12:50 PM   #5
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Default 2much Crew / LiveCamNetwork LCN Girls Chat On Television :)

Heheheh well for those of you who don't catch the Channel I'm gonna get a DVD from the producers and burn the scuker to YouTube or Google Video (my preference actually).

For those who missed it, catch it again at 2:00PM Thursday, and 7:00PM Saturday.

The thing was really great - they didn't maybe cut the interviews 100% accurately (like when he asked me if I felt like a pimp as if we cater to people with a "dependence" - just letting that concept hang as if it should be taken for granted) but for the most part it was fair and non-prejudicial - rather, it worked to counter prejudices (like the whole intro where he says he expected pimply geeks in t-shirts, sleazy basements or Russian mafia types and lo and behold here are our snazzy Old Montreal offices - nice).

Kudos to our Mediachick who came off professional and smart-as-tacks, Violet Manson who really did a great job with her French and experience online, and most of all LCN Girl Kitsune, who kicked ass in the smart and no-bullshit departments and made us all look just so damned "normal".

And me, was I da suaveness or whut? heheh...

Here's some more exclusive pics:

Oh and very cool - they now have a full transcript of the interviews http://www.telequebec.tv/lesfrancstireurs/topo.html

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