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Old 10-11-2007, 04:32 PM   #24
Mister E
Mister E should edit this
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Here's my dilemma.

On one hand I feel human breeding should be licensed. You need a license to own a dog but not a kid. They need to take courses to drive a car but any idiot with a hard on can knock up a woman.

The so called 'sanctity of the family' seems to fall under a cultural-religious-conservative umbrella that gives rights to potential tyrants. People who have no power love to exert force on the weak and innocent.

Let's take care of physical and psychological child abuse and punish evil sodomites who commit incest. We all know this affects more kids than second hand smoke!

Then maybe we can tolerate a government who pretends to care about kids being near cigarettes.

Fascists, we elect them and then we piss and moan.
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