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Old 10-11-2007, 08:19 PM   #1
Greg B
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Default How Comic Book Art Is Done

How Comic Books Are Done
Okay, in the next few days I'll post a page of artwork here that shows how comic book artwork is done.

I used to draw a comic book called 'Bloodshot' for Acclaim Interactive's Valiant Comics.

A fan sent me an email asking for some original art and since he's been such a long time fan who even put up a website dedicated to my stuff I said I'd do it.

Comic book art is very specialized. We do it on paper that's 10"x15" in width and height. We use two types of pencil and then the work has ink put on it to preserve it and make clarity for the coloring and printing.

Here's the cover to one of the Bloodshot books I wrote and illustrated:

Bloodshot was a story about a mobster hit man who gets captured by evil scientists who use microsopic computers to enchance his strength and control electronic devices at a distance. It also wiped out his memory so he becomes a killing machine and when his memory begins to come back he turns on his captors and fights other assassins like himself.

You guys can see some of the comic books I've done at my mainstream site:


It was fun doing this book and writing the story. I still get fanmail to this day.
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