You know that SheDevil and I just went through this. Take all the suggestions with a grain of salt. Only you will know exactly what the baby needs... and know your rights at the hospital.
I was in the delivery room putting a cold cloth on SheDevil's kneck to keep her cool and not stressed. Whatever you do, don't feel guilty in the last few days screaming, "get this thing out of me NOW!!" every woman does it.
Also do not feel guilty if you feel upset or angry, simply put the baby down in the crib and walk away to relax. Your hubby seriously needs to realize that you are going to go through times when you need Me time. You may or may not feel the warmth of motherhood right away - but eventually the bond will grow. Loose all your pride - and starting now, try and talk to the baby in the womb, reading stories (both of you), even have fun with a flashlight by running it over your belly. The baby will try and reach out. This will all come to play when the baby is born and you start speaking - it will recognize your voice and be calm.
These words of advice is more for your hubby. Realize the next year or so is not going to be about you anymore. He needs to step up and help out more by changing diapers - getting the baby in the morning when crying so you don't have too... share in the taking care of the house by cooking, cleaning and laundry as much to give you a break. You are going to need to rest and get your emotions under control. This is no time to sit and watch TV or expect you to act like you were before the baby showed up.
But for you - Just relax and enjoy the experience as much. You will forget the pain and maybe the entire experience in the hospital - so try and start writing a journal now for the baby to read when they grow up on your feelings etc. as well for you too when your feeling low. But always remember - trust your motherly instincts and don't let nurses tell you what they 'feel' is right, only you do, they are going by overall cases, they don't know your baby personally.
Right now - keep positive and happy since the baby now is not just feeding from your body, but also your emotional state. Take your daily vitamins and excersize to keep your body stretching and strong for child birth. Walk often and have your hubby massage your stomach, back etc as they will become sore from kicking.
There is alot more, but I hope this helps for now.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato