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Old 10-15-2007, 11:58 AM   #5
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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It's a little known fact but Donna and I have a beautiful seven year old girl.

Is there anything I wish I had done before I had a child? No, not really. Donna and I got married late in life and had a child late in life, so I had pretty much done everything I had wanted to do before then. I have no complaints.

The one thing I cannot stress enough is how your life will change....

Everything you do now is for you and no one else. Right now you eat when your hungry, sleep when your tired, and watch TV when you want to. In a short time all of this will change. You'll eat when (and where) your child wants to eat, you'll adjust your sleeping patterns to your child's, and you'll discover the joys of Barney and Blue's Clues all too shortly. I cannot stress this enough; Your entire life will revolve around your child. You'll make decisions on where you live and what job you have because of your child.

You'll also learn to discover the joys in the smallest of things in life. Your child will suddenly say something that they have never said before and it will blow your mind away. You'll watch a something the size of a lump of coal grow and learn how to crawl, walk, talk, turn off lights, form their own opinons on things, have their own tastes in music.... It will be slow and subtle and every now and then you'll sit back and think about it and be amazed.....

Good luck!
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