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Old 10-15-2007, 08:21 PM   #13
GinaCochina should edit this
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I am currently expecting baby number three, so I've been down this road before. First off, let everyone do everything for you that they offer to do. Never tell anyone no thanks, oh that's too much trouble, I couldn't impose, etc. If someone offers, jump on it!

This time around I am not letting anyone take any delivery room pictures of me, as I don't feel like having to go back and cut myself out of all the pictures later like I did last time. But maybe that's just me.

If you don't feel like getting up a thousand times a night because the baby is crying, just put the baby in bed with you. Even better, if you are breastfeeding, put the baby in bed with you and sleep topless. Just keep a diaper and some wipes on your nightstand and eventually you'll be changing diapers in your sleep. I did this, and I am the only person I know who slept 11-13 hours at a time with a newborn.

Also, if the doctor tells you to wait six weeks before you start having sex again, wait the full six weeks, even if you don't want to. There is a reason they tell you this. I learned this the hard way.
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