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Old 10-16-2007, 02:35 PM   #18
She Devil
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
You might not know or realize it Cyn, but these are the most important days of your life, and they go by way too fast. Before you know it, you'll be registering him/her for their first day of school.
Yeah but I remember the last month of pregnancy being the longest one of my entire life! I was was going to have a few homicides under my belt if they didn't induce me after being over a week overdue

Once baby Mackenzie was out it was a different story... make sure you have a good camera and lots of batteries, and a video camera with lots of tapes because you'll want to capture as much on film and photos as you can because you'll be amazed how much you will forget with it going by sooo fast! There's only 51 more days until Mackenzie is 1 year old! Man how it flies! And they grow so fast.

Here's a video from last month. She's already almost walking and talking and everything now. How much she's grown in less than a month is amazing! She's starting to refuse to be fed and wants to do it herself... waaaa it's going too fast...
until then,
Goddess SheDevil

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Goddess SheDevil
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