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Old 12-13-2002, 01:30 PM   #3
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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I think you're asking about getting screen caps from an mpeg if I understand right. Most ordinary screen capture programs won't work because overlay is used to display video on the monitor. So the easiest thing is a program that does like you said. Pause it and grab a still. There's a program called Virtual Dub that will do what you want. It's really an avi editing program but it will import an mpeg and get a still anytime you want. If you have PowerDVD and use it to play mpegs it has a still cap button. Many other player programs have a similar function. If you use quicktime it will allow you to export the whole mpeg as an image sequence and then you can browse the stills for what you want. At least the pro version does. Not sure about the regular version. Also there are screen grabber programs that have a switch for directx that will allow them to get a still from the overlay. SnagIt comes to mind.
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