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Old 10-19-2007, 10:43 PM   #4
painful should edit this
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Roch, you take no issue with the way you were brought into this world. That's a very good thing.

I just personally think that this case is a little different. This child's father has been passed on for over two years. It's only because of frozen semen that this conception was even possible. If ever there was a child born with a stigma attached, it's this one. People will forever point and say "that's the one that was born 2 years after the father died".

This case is way different, and to me, even smacks of publicity seeking.
I hope I'm incorrect.

You also have to look at it this way. With the progress of modern medicine, this child HAS a life, born from a frozen seed. It's incredible to me that something like this can take place, and allows the mans legacy and name live on for another generation. That soldier was a smart man, and his wife is the hero for bringing this child, blood of her dead love, into the world to experience life. I am NOT a pro life person, I am pro choice, and this woman made a choice to continue her husbands memory and to keep his memory around for just a while longer. I would hope my wife would do the same (although she can't now that she's fixed )

I hope the child grows up to learn how important his father was to America and that his father was a hero who died for freedom.

As a member of the US Armed forces, I don't always agree with the actions we are ordered to take, by our President (really an imbicile IMHO), but I take my hat off to the other men and women who have made the choice to protect our freedom.
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