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Old 10-21-2007, 01:05 AM   #7
SFS should edit this
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Originally Posted by Papillon View Post
format format format!

back up your stuff and format that baby!

NO NO NO NO... Thats not always necessary and can lead to other issues (like missing critical data because you just didnt get all your stuff backed up, or dont have the drivers you need to properly install your devices, etc)

You can seriously speed up your computer by adjusting a few parameters and cleaning up any programs that are running in the background un-necessarily which is always the case with any large manufacturer (Dell, Gateway, HP, etc). They "Ghost" on a bunch of programs that open on Windows boot up and run in the background, sucking up resources for no reason.

If you are going to do anything, put in more memory. Its always a good thing to pack your MB with full memory. Most standard MBs (mainboards) will hold at least 2-4GB, Pack it full and watch your computer come alive....
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