Originally Posted by SFS
Take a look at your programs and determine which are starting up and running silently at bootup. Most proggies do not need to be running unless they are opened for you to use.
Look down by your clock, how many little icons are there? Check the prefrences of each of those proggies and disable any start-up at windows load. The only thing that should be running is Firewall, anti-virus, printer, IM, etc..
Dont allow things to be running and sucking up all your system resources when you dont need them.
There is much more you can do, but start here, and if i can be of help i AM a master of the machines and will gladly help you speed up your puter, i do this for my clients, friends and neighbors all the time.
Yeah, I agree.
The longer you have your computer the more programs you'll have installed on it, and the more damage it will do. For example, I use Musicmatch (which now seems to be owned by Yahoo) and pops things up on my taskbar without asking, and also runs something called "shellithiddenwindow" - when I first saw it I said "shit, I've been hit with some virus or something".
Just between my music software (Musicmatch, Itunes, and two others) I constantly have their stuff running in the background and they tend to fight on the rare occasion I put a music CD in my drive.
If I see something running on my computer and I don't know what it is.... I reseach it on the Internet, figure out if I really need it, and if I don't I get the hell rid of it.
I can't stand shit running on my comptuer that doesn't have my permission to run.
And my spyware software is the worse..... I leave my computers running, and if I leave up Windows Explorer too long it fucked up my spyware software.....
Figure out what you have on your computer, figure out what's running, and get rid of what you don't need. Also, free up hard drive space too. After three years windows has fucking files everywhere that you really don't need....