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Old 10-22-2007, 02:42 PM   #15
Greg B
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Originally Posted by Buddha View Post
Terraangel, your work is excellent! I love the Werewolf.

Greg, what software applications do you use?

I'm learning Illustrator through Lynda.com starting with their CS3 one-on-one 9 hour program, then I'll tackle the 17.5 hour course.

Thanks Buddha!

Actually I use some very, very advanced software. One of them is a massive computer system. Processing power is off the scale and memory is endless. It's called my mind

I use advanced tools for drawing too, a pencil and some paper.

The reason I'm emphasizing these is because all the computer software in the world cannot replace 'you'. 'You' are the best artist you can be. The computers and software are just decorations you use to enhance your art.

Lotsa guys get 3D software and other software and their stuff looks just like that, computer generated. Old fashioned sketching and drawing enhance everything else. Even at the big studios the best CG guys are people who spend the time sketching and drawing.

I don't use any CG or 3D software, I use only the basic things like Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro for coloring and that's about it.

The Paint program is attractive but when it comes to painting I'd rather use good old fashioned water color paints or oil paints. Not that I haven't seen some awesome work done with the program but I'm old fashioned that way.
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