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Old 10-25-2007, 09:18 PM   #9
Buddha should edit this
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I've practiced martial arts since 1985. Karate is a great way to get into shape and it's a lot less boring than lifting weights. I prefer the interactice 1-on-one and 1-on-unbeatableOdds(8+ opponents).

I suppose the question "why" would be present. Usually anyone who begins martial arts will rapidly lose 15 pounds within 3 weeks but that's actually the norm any time an exercise regimen begins. To lose weight, keep it off gym-level cardio is necessary 3-4 times per week and for muscular definition lifting weights 3+ days per week.

I am 41, 5'7" tall, and just a few months ago I weighed 225#, now I weigh 186#... exercising through martial arts practice alone wasn't enough to keep unnecessary body fat off of my body. I had to change and implement formal gym training. My body type is also "endomorph" (i.e. stocky bear). "Mesomorphs" (naturally proportional V-cut frame) and "ectomorphs" (skinny, can never gain weight no matter what's consumed) need not go to the extreme I have had to go.
Buddha, San Francisco, CA.
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