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Old 10-31-2007, 11:12 AM   #18
Vid Vicious
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Originally Posted by TheLegacy View Post
I'm just thankful that our webmasters aren't starting to ask if they can get paid in Canadian dollars.

It's hurting all of us - but agreeing with Chris that not until the election are we going to see some change unless BOC does something to drop our dollar down. Already the finance minister is telling canadian stores to slash their prices because canadians are going across border to shop. Stores are saying "screw you" because many of them have the head office in another country and only a small warehouse here to supply stores - so the base price is fixed. Nice when politicians think they know what they are doing.
good point .. the mian reason prices have not been going down in Canada is that most imported items are importeed via china or india and not the US .. so the prices have already been set .. it sucks ...

There was a story on the news a few days ago .. where a newfinlander went to the states to buy a new car and was refused by all the dealerships. because she is Canadian. The Big Four (car makers) sent out a memo to US dealerships ; Not to sell cars to Canadian. this women finally did buy a car in the US but under her American Cousin's name. Never the less she saved 16 000$ by purchasing the vehicule state side .. and has since started a class action suit against the dealerships for refusing her based on her Nationality .. hee hee
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