SCTV ROCKS !!! .. Not many Americans know this . but SCTV (second City) was the birth place of "Ab lib" comedy ... and the birth palce of SNL by Another canuck whom was also a Second City Preformer
other Second city proformers
john Belishi
Dan Ackaroid
John Candy
Eugine Levy
Joe Flaherty
Rick Moranis
Dave Thomas
bill murray
betty thomas
George Went
mary gross
mike myers
chris Farley
tim meadows
Gilda Radner (berfore SNL was SC)
cathrine O hara
Andrea Martin
Martin short
to mention a few .. (that I can remember)
Umm .. yeah i was a Second city Fan .. LOL .. actually it was one of my dreams when I was young, to be a Second City Preformer .. I got close in 1999, when I shot a documentary called "life According to Kieth" it was about the birth of AD LIB comedy, which started of all places in Calgary Alberta Canada .. LOL