I feel for my last young gf .. she was 21 and I was 38 ... I fell for her just a bit .. Well it was hell to get rid of her ... Till finally I just changed the locks on my door .. packed her shit and kept it in my truck ... she showed up with a bunch of her guy friends to intmidate me .. For those that don't know me it takes alot to scare me... I had a feel somethign like this was gonna happened .. so I had asked sweetums and Sexyscribe to meet me at my place .. Not for protection ... but more to keep me calm .. thank god .. cus I would of wooped they're young asses. in the end .. Sweetums helped get rid of her ..
So Liek I said .. have fun .. but tread lightly ... Try to remember how passionate you were at that age.. then you'll understand what I'm talking about