Historically speaking, the Canadian/US dollar rates do this every approximately 20 years ...
But then after the American dollar recovers, it soars to as high as 63% higher than its Canadian counterpart (remember 2003?) ...
That being said, if I were mortal, and living in Canada - hypothetically speaking of course - I would probably be placing a sizable portion of my monthly income into a high-yield AMERICAN savings account (ING's rates are currently at 3.75%), so that when the Benjamin does recover, I not only will have cashed in on getting more American dollars for my Canadian dollars (right now), but will also cash in again by waiting until the American dollar is in a positive position to the Canadian dollar to convert it back.
Depending on how long I wanted to hold off, I could (hypothetically) make upwards of 150-170% return on my money, in probably under 5 years time.
Find me a GIC or a registered savings bond that will do that?!?
Last edited by GOD; 11-06-2007 at 11:59 PM.