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Old 11-07-2007, 11:13 AM   #3
Virgule3 is in love!
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I used to be depressed all the time, I slept all the time, felt like I didn't deserve anything good, I was negative about everything.

Then, my dad forced me to go see a doctor. They finally found out that I have a chemical imbalance and that I will have to take anti-depressants for the rest of my life.

Since then, things have turned around... even though I gained 60 lbs because of the meds, I have never been more confident and happy. I also started to make positivism exercises.

Instead of focusing on my big belly and butt, I look at my gorgeous eyes and my communicative smile! And I tell myself that because I am overweight, I have the most awesome boobs now! Big and firm! So it's not all bad!

I am so happy that I am very intelligent and I focus on that too so when I do something stupid, I blame it on the fact that I have to make mistakes because I am blonde after all...

I know many many people who hate winter... Me, I love it! I have an awesome winter suit that is warm and comfortable, and I practice activities that I enjoy so I always look forward to the cold days!

Do you see where I'm getting at?

At the beginning, it was not always easy, but everytime I had a negative thought about something, I kicked myself in the butt and tried to come up with something positive to counteract and now, I am the most positive person on the planet!

I also often compare myself to people who don't have it as good as me and I realize that I have nothing to be depressed about... Yes, I'd LOOOVE to be in love, I'd love to have children, my life isn't perfect, but I have a very very beautiful home, a great job, a fantastic job, great friends, etc... So I focus on that... If I had children, I wouldn't be as free as I am right now... If I wasn't single, I wouldn't be able to play as much as I do... I always find the positive side to every situation...

That's how...

Are you feeling depressed?

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