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Old 11-07-2007, 12:00 PM   #4
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Depression can also be chemical as much as psychological, yet for a new mom this is normal if your going through it now. The new baby is taking alot of your energy and vitamins as it is growing inside you. What is important is keeping yourself active and working hard on being positive since that will reflect in the baby.

Don't forget the importance of taking some time out for you. Try even to make a fondu date night - get a movie and snuggle up. Whatever is bothering you can wait until morning, but you need to sleep - stay positive and get as much strength up for the birth as you can. There is no harm in calling in favors to help out, but as I said in an earlier conversation - your partner needs to step up and help out more. I cooked dinners, cleaned and took on more responsibilities to help SheDevil along so that she didn't feel overwhelmed. Even if you have to lay back and listen to your favorite music do so - in the end - it will pass. Trust me - it will.

Skype: robjameswarren

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