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Old 11-07-2007, 02:23 PM   #7
Virgule3 is in love!
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I have never been pregnant and I know it's easy to talk but here's how I see things...

Shower: Why don't you have one with a limited budget? You'd be surprised at how many cool things for new moms they have at the dollar store! hihi! And it is just for fun! To celebrate the pregnancy!

Maternity clothes: How about going to the stores for the heavy people instead? I don't know about where you live now, but here, we have some really HOT boutiques! You will fit in those! A couple of maternity jeans, and nice big sweaters and tops!

Sex positions: Go on the net, find books, etc... and read about it! Try to find comfortable positions that you may not have thought of!

About feeling fat: I can't help you about the feeling itself... But like I said, try to focus on other things! Try to find a gorgeous sexy top to show your big beautiful breasts! Wear make up, do your hair, etc... Change the focus to the things you like about yourself!

I find that so many women feel ugly when they are pregnant... It makes me feel sad. First, because I look pregnant all the time so it means people think I'm ugly, and second, because you are carrying a life! In my eyes, there is NOTHING more beautiful than that! I am so jealous you know!

Anyway... Like I said, I know it's easy to talk...

Take care... xxxxx

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