11-11-2007, 09:57 PM
is the Queen of Mean
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Originally Posted by jjacksonesq
Panky I am very tempted to say yes. My Bible Thumping in-laws will be in town for Thanksgiving. Where in VA? I lived in Northern VA (near DC) for many years.
I soooo pity you. Some of my relatives are very religious, but they tend to keep things to a minimum when the entire family gathers for the holiday. It's not uncommon to have at least 25 people attending the meal, not counting infants and toddlers, and then a few more relatives coming by after the meal. When half are religious and Republican and half aren't religious and Democrat, it makes for some good dinner conversation. lol!
We'll be down somewhere around Fredericksburg. All that I know is that I'm driving and 95 sucks. Other than that, I'm not sure what is going on once we get there. I just tend to go with the flow. lol!