11-12-2007, 11:58 AM
is Travelling the
Join Date: Aug 2002
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Originally Posted by rhetorical
Well excuse me. Its people like you that need to have a sober second thought about the business you are in. And not only that, I never said I enjoy watching these videos, that is your fabrication. As for a moron, FB, I think not. Pragmatic I would agree with. But I have never witnessed your personal crusades in the past to rid our business of filth. I am sure you have crossed a whole lot lines by normal people's standards pitching dirty pictures. Now that your particular line has been crossed, you get precious. Had you posted something that was responsible and actually pointed out all the crap in our business and how we should disassociate ourselves from filth, I would have given your frivolous posts some credence. But when you gotta use the M word just because you are offended, then you might consider a new line of work. Selling dirty pictures and movies might not be right for you.