Rhetorical- You hit the nail on the head. I am not sure. The gentelman I spoke with said that he (the photographer) and his wife (the model) won the contest and were not paid. The amount was not large $500 for him and $2,500.00 for her. He explained to me that there were likely others out there in the same situation. He sounded credible but you never know and I feel I have an obligation to conduct at least some research to ensure that what I am being told is true.
John A. Jackson, Attorney at Law
535 Stinson Drive
Charleston, SC 29407
Phone: 843-278-2444
Phone: 412-894-7988
Toll Free: 1-866-385-2960
ICQ: 434985479
Fax: 412-894-7917
E-Mail: jjackson@lawofficeofjaj.com
Web: lawofficeofjaj.com