Hello, It's been a while just thought I'd check in AGAIN!
Be great to hear from anyone, who actually might batter an eyelid that I actually try to keep this thread updated!
PocketSexClips IS STILL GOING!! 2 Years this month... Longest Project For Me Ever, nearly the longest I've ever held down a job...

And still making a few quid a month, well upto £200 a month now but it's still pretty crap compared to what you seasoned webmasters are probably on

Big boys and me didn't end up working together and I haven't sold it yet either - damn.. well kinda damn, kinda good...
I've met someone else woohoo, who seems a good guy, PHP orientated this time and we're gonna work on making some serious cash together hopefully, just going over terms and stuff, but PSC is looking up once again....
Will let you know (if anyone actually reads my outdated threads... )
