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Old 11-23-2007, 03:51 AM   #7
Greg B
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I've got investors who are in Vietnam. Thailand too. They don't want to come home. They party til they puke. One company I work for got me an apartment in downtown Bangkok. Beautiful thing with AC, wireless, washer/dryer, dishwasher 3 bedrooms, pool, gymnasium and it's HUGE in size.

Total was around $800 a month and get this, two maids, a cook, and a kid to go to stores to fetch me stuff! Vietnam's prices were like $70 for the same damned thing! I've had pals in Thailand doing business for 30 years now. At the veterans meetings the Vietnam Vets who are grandfathers and such now go back to Vietnam and Thailand. Guys totally chillin' and they have people cook your food FRESH and if you pay more than $6 for a meal that would feed ten people you paid too much. The company I work for is a high tech company and every guy who has visited there has not wanted to come home. Same with my comics colleagues. Dudes get to Thailand, see that $25k a year is like having $100k a year stateside and they don't want to come home! They end up saving so much in a year it's crazy. I believe it's $80k a year before taxes so guys go there, do their IT and webmastering and save that dough. Makes for early retirement and guys can retire at 25 or 30 and not be a burden on society with a nice nest egg of let's say $500k gaining 10-17%.
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