Re: Contest Winners!
Originally posted by Funbrunette
Our big winner is Juge with a total of 2050 points (333 posts and 41 referrals)
Our runner up is StuartD with 1013 points (113 posts and 18 referrals)
Hey, isn't 41*50+333 = 2383 ?! 
<table border=0><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" border=0></a></td>
<td><font face=arial size=-1><b>Free content / hosted galleries</b>, 60% partnership: [<a href="">Oliver's Money</a>]
<b>Gallery Spots</b> for sale, buy or sell traffic, link galleries for traffic: [<a href=""></a>]
<b>$0.11 per blind click</b> sponsor, $0.11 / Free Download, $0.03 & $0.01 / Referral: [<a href="">Purity Scan</a>]</font></td></tr></table>