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Old 12-16-2002, 01:44 PM   #1
Evil Chris
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Default Mailers (spam?).... has the bottom dropped out?

Did you ever send out a mailing to promote another website? Maybe your own site... maybe a site for someone else's program to which you have a traffic agreement, or maybe just purely for profit to a site that pays you well?

Most of us can say we've been involved in this sort of thing, and when asked, we all say "yeah, my list is double opt-in, triple opt-in..."

Does it matter anymore if your list is double or triple opt-in? And how do you know for sure, unless you have collected the emails yourself from an opt-in situation that you are in total control of?

The reason I ask, is because it seems that no matter how clean we think our mailing lists are, they are getting more problematic (spam complaints, de-activated accounts, etc..) and yes... they are getting much less profitable.

So how much longer will spam remain profitable? Even if you say your list contains emails of people who "asked to receive this material" that still doesn't mean that they can change their mind and suddenly report you to whoever or whatever ISP will give you the most grief.

Here's an article that predicts Spam Expected to Outnumber Non-Spam in the very near future:

And if you don't think the penalties for spamming are bad... think again and read any one of the articles contained on this page:

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