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Old 12-01-2007, 07:10 PM   #23
Vid Vicious
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The porn industry has changed my life dramaticly ...
I learned about swinging .. knowing the difference between lust and love
I learned that most people in this industry are more accepting and open . hense I found that I have created stronger relationships with people I never met.
the list can go on and on ... My life has changed dramiticly some would say for the best while others might disagree strongly .. for me .. It's just different .. I'm a more accepting person, I've learned to control my jealousy, I've learned to appreciate people for whom they are rather then what they do .... I've learned that life is valubale and that you must live it to the fullest to completely understand whom you are and why your here ...

lastly I've learned that everything comes to those who wait and never loser site of they're goals ....

There are days that I wish I didn't do what I do .. but there are more days that I apperciate what I have.
In the end .. I know that my life will change again when it enters the next chapter .. I look forward to my memories and my friends in the adult industry
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