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Old 12-16-2002, 02:18 PM   #12
Special_K should edit this
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Chris...you have opened a touchy subject but one that is very important with the release of recent reports saying that in 2003 spam will be larger than regular (non-spam) email. We can thank a small handful of people for this. As our industry continues to mature it becomes more and more important to practice good business.

To answer your question Chris, yes, it matters if your list is double-opt in. It also matters how you treat that list. For example just because it is double or triple opt in does not give you the right to blow the snot out of this list whenever you want. Actually, it probably does, but that's just not good business in my mind. The emails on your list should be treated with the utmost respect. This means remove them if they want to be removed (don't add them to a remove list and swap/sell..again bad business)

Sure mailings are becoming less profitable, but you can maximize your list$ by being smart about how and when you send them. Things change, but double opt-in mailings will always be a part of doing business in the online world, just like TGPs, AVS, search engine optimization, etc.

Hell look at our conventions...setting up a booth and spending a fortune on flyers, parties, and models doesn't return the kind of revenue it once did. With the lower return one must be smarter thats all, and personally I think the industry needs a dose of ethics. Our industry will always be the 1st to be targeted (VISA, Acacia, obscenity etc) so conduct yourself according to the risk you want to be exposed to.

Do business with people/companies who practice good business...its simple.

word to your mommy!

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