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Old 12-16-2002, 02:22 PM   #13
Kenny B
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I have a somewhat decent list only 250,000 addy's and I’ve done quite well promoting various programs. I can’t say it’s all double opt-in (90%opt-in), and I do get some complaints but I make sure to put my “disclaimer” and get very few spam cop complaints. Because most sponsors don’t accept spam I send an email to the company who I’m promoting prior to sending my mail and let them know it’s a double opt-in list and they may get a few complaints but it’s not spam. So far I have not been shut down from any partner plans but I have a small list compared to most. For the work that goes into sending a mailer it’s still profitable for me!

If any of you have a good program and don’t mind me pimping it out through my list drop me a line ken@vipmembers.net
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