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Old 12-16-2002, 02:25 PM   #16
twinkley should edit this
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Hi Guys,

Funny this thread should be started since we just had this very problem pop-up. We have been sending double-opt-in mass mailers for well over 3 years now. Does it make a diff. whether it is double opt in or now when mailing? YES IT DOES.

There is a big difference in sending spam and doing a dedicated mailer to an opt-in list. It is impossible nowdays to send anything opt-in that you havent checked personally yourself and here is why.

We normally do NOT buy email addresses. Too much fraud involved and there is no way to check to make sure the people actually signed up for this. But, a couple of months ago we bought several million email addresses from someone we trusted in the industry. We were assured that all the lists were 100% clean and double opt in. So, we send this list to our own sites to check it and HOLY SHIT! We had SO MANY spam complaints our host threatened to shut us down. Sooo... that list got banned from being sent to. Unfortunately, it was NOT deleted,

Well, last week we decide we want to throw some decent traffic at this awesome program. We set up the mailer and send it out - unfortunately the BANNED list got sent to and once again we were dealing with quite a few spam complaints. (much less than before, but still quite a few) The program shut us down right away.

Luckily, I happen to be pretty tight with one of the guys in the company, so I have to go to him and beg and plead to get our account turned back on. How embarrassing. Now I know that we arent dirty spammers, but how bad does this look? If this had been someone mailing us, we would have shut them down too!

The fact of the matter is, unless you are collecting the email addresses yourself and sending something that confirms they want it, you are taking the risk of being labeled a spammer. Nobody likes spammers.

As far as profitability goes, I think that it will continue to go downhill until something can be done to clean up the ACTUAL spam in everyones mailbox - I know I lose emails that I ask for (newsletters and such) because I have SO MUCH spam, it all gets tossed.

I think in order to "prove" the member requested the email service, you will need to be able to prove they signed up for it - if you are doing double-optin you should be able to prove this through their confirmation making it almost impossible for them to say "I didnt ask for this"

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