Angels are coming back.
Actually, we didn’t leave anywhere

but a serious stage in work has taken place.
There will be several pleasant things for our adverts

In the first place, for better convenience in work we’ve added several tools.
FHG Stats – we keep a statistical record of hits and signups, which you send to our FHG. It’s now possible to check how many hits were sent to FHG, and on which FHG a surfer made a signup, as well as to view Reffering URL’s – which of your resources has sent traffic resulting with a signup. We think it will be convenient to use this tool for filtering galleries of your traffic.
Please pay attention to the fact, that only those signups are indicated there, which have come by FHG links.
RSS Channels
Referrals - stats.
FHG TOP-20 – top of the best selling galleries on our sites.
Moreover, we added several handy moments for working with content (at the instance of some of our adverts)
The second news is connected with the fact, that we resume FHG updates and Free Content for the site Updates in member zone didn’t stop, that’s why during this period a great amount of good material has been accumulated.
Bloggers, posters, cj-owners, I think none of you will remain without signups. We’ve gathered the most qualitative content, where you can see both top girls from Internet and such gems, whom you will not to see anywhere else. I hope you will appreciate them at true value. FHG updates will be held twice!!! a week, and afterwards, when we appear with new material, they will be stably added according as updates on sites.
In addition we would like to please adult web masters working with video. There will be some work for you too

The video, which we bought for the site, is exclusive and of excellent quality, including HD. Soon we’ll add FHG video.
Those, who are not with us yet, are welcome to We’ll be glad to work with you.
In general, that is all for the present. Enjoy!

Please forward all your suggestions and wishes by e-mail support{at} or icq 337-433-791.
New FHG: