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Old 12-16-2002, 02:34 PM   #18
StuartD should edit this
Sofa King Band
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Ok... if someone does a "double optin" to what ever it is that a site is offering... and then gets emails from them... that's spam... requested spam.

But then that site goes and sells that list to some other site at a nice high price because it's "double opt-in" and therefore are qualified buyers.

But, that person didn't "double opt-in" for what that other site has. They didn't even single opt-in for that site to have their email address at all.
That makes it some spam that's kinda hard to swallow.

Sure it works, gets the job done... but whether or not it was opt-ed in 50 times, it's still an email that's being sent from someone that you never gave your email address to in the first place.
"If you are not going to heaven, why miss it by an inch?" - Sam Kinison
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