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Old 12-16-2002, 02:36 PM   #19
shok should edit this
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Email marketing can be extremely profitable as alot of you know, which of course brings out all the uglys just like anything else.

Running the mailers for Wegcash/Join4free is a learning experience everyday. We have worked so hard for longevity in mailing by being up front and honest. If a user unsubs, they get unsubed. We try to keep the lines of communication open with companies like AOL etc. which is incredibly important. If someone complains that they got spammed, we can produce all information on that user.

It is getting harder and harder yes because you have so many using harvested lists and such and turning people off all together from email marketing. Im sure its only going to get worse and worse before it gets better.
I cant ever see email marketing going away though. Its an instant connection with a buyer, and some people actually do enjoy the daily newsletters and offers. The people that dont though, can really go out of their to let you know how much they hate you. They will go on and on and threaten you every way they can. I always love showing them all their join info after exchanges like that lol
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