12-04-2007, 03:01 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
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Originally Posted by Peedy
don't get it twisted, I wasn't saying I needed GFY, but its the biggest adult board so it would be nice keep tabs on whats going on there. However I find that without RSS its just too time consuming. I like RSS cause I add my board feeds to my reader, I can search them, set alerts, etc etc. I still visit the forum, but I don't waste time going through pages and pages of threads.
GFY might not have implemented the RSS feed because of the advertisers. Maybe the thinking might be that if they enable the feed, people will just read that and visit the board should they find something interesting. Where if they don't enable the feed, people have to visit the board, they will most likely at least see an advertiser, if not actually click an ad.