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Old 12-04-2007, 06:53 PM   #9
DonMike is I like toast
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Actually Rochard, Men Without Hat's album "Pop Goes The World" was a really good album. It was a lighthearted concept album about the end of the world. Pretty cool stuff with some great songs. It does sound a bit dated now, though. That's the problem with 80's music. I mean, you can listen to Joplin and it's just timeless but throw in a Berlin song and it just doesn't have the same feeling.

When I was really young I loved Olivia Newton John and played the "Physical" album over and over again. Listening to some of now just makes me cringe. LOL! I dunno, when I like a song I really commit to it. It's rare that I hear a song I used to like and feel embarrassed. But then again, I'm the guy who will drive down the street with my windows down blasting "On The Shelf" by Donny and Marie from their movie Goin' Coconuts. Now, if that's not dedication I don't know what is. "There.... on the shelf... am I".

Now if I could only find an mp3 of the DeFranco family doing Abracadabra I'd be in 70's cheesepop heaven.
Don Mike
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