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Old 12-16-2002, 03:13 PM   #29
MarkTiarra should edit this
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Ronaldo is doing it right from what his post says. Kudos.

Keep in mind the FTC isn't going after spam blindly - it's going after MISLEADING advertising and people misusing trademarked logos and such. For a long time email advertising hasn't followed the same rules of "truth in advertising" that every other facet of the sales world has had to follow.

My personal opinion about spam is that, while annoying, I'd rather get that then get paper junk mail which is using paper resources. That said, I did eventually close down a 5 year old email address that was my primary because I was getting upwards of 500 spam per day to it. I get bothered by emails that say I requested the information when I plainly didn't. Viagra ones are the best... I need something to SLOW DOWN my boner rate, not give me more! lol.

I actually have an email address on AOL that I set up for my son because I wanted the name for him when he got old enough to logon. I only ever logged on when I started the account then never touched it again. One day while using the swith screenname feature I saw it had an email. Went there and it was an adult spam. So either AOL sold addresses or it was more likely mined through some software hack. Either way that sucks.

If you buy email addresses that say they are opt in - who knows if the seller is being truthful. Even an honest guy may have bought addresses from someone he thought was honest to add to his list and then you buy from him and get crap addresses.

Anyway - do things like Ronaldo's post says and I doubt you'll face any legal peril.
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