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Old 12-16-2002, 03:25 PM   #34
RedShoe should edit this
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All I know is that I get at least .. AT LEAST.. 200 spam emails a day. I don't read a single one.

I check my mail, wait for all of them to download, select them all and delete them all. I only check it so my server doesn't overload with email.

I had to set up a yahoo account, that no one but my wife and some family and only a few friends know about. I'm about a year into it, and I may have had one or two yahoo spams but that was about it.

I fuckin' hate email now. I check my fucked up accounts about every other day, and my yahoo chimes in when I get an email so I only check that when it notifies me.

There have been times when I will go thru all my shit mail and remove my name off thier lists, but it doesn't matter. My addresses have been going around for so long now I must be one some CD's and lists that get traded daily.

I hate spam. I hate email. I think all spammers should be put to death. No punchline, no jokes, I think they should all die. I think everyone in their families should get cancer and die. Their offspring, fuck 'em... ALL DEAD. I want thier houses burned to the ground. Their dogs, DEAD!!!

That said... if it still makes money.. hook me up, I want a piece of that pie. Anyone know where I can get a few lists and some bulletproof hosting? I think this "Dick-B-Bigger" shit really works, and I want to sell it to the entire world!!! MUAHAHAHAHA
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