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Old 12-16-2002, 03:42 PM   #36
RedShoe should edit this
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Originally posted by shok
Vienna sausages, these things have to be the most vile thing ever put on earth. Just looking at that jelly layer on top makes me shiver and gives me the chills.
Is it even meat? Or just parts of this and that scraped off the floor and grinded into tiny weeners?
Don't knock it, 'til you try it.
Same as pussy. Some of it looks pretty nasty, but you still put your tongue in there.

Ok, try this. (It will convert you) Get yourself a can of Vienna sausages, and slice them from top to bottom in half. Then lay them on a slice of bread. You should have just enough to fit on a single slice of bread with maybe just one slice left over. Place another piece of bread on top, to create a Vienna Sausage sandwich. You can add toppings, but I think a V.S. sandwich taste perfect plain.

Eat it. MMMMmmmmm Vienna Suasage Sandwich.....
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