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Old 12-16-2002, 04:48 PM   #41
Tam is here
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Originally posted by NOTR
E-mail marketing or SPAM, sells and there's no doubt about it.

I have been in and around the "shady" part of the business for well over 3 years and I haven't seen a drop in productivity. What I have seen is every kid on the block jumping onboard thinking it's a goldmine.

Abusing other people’s resources, exploiting relays etc... You want to mail and keep it legitimate then you should honour your removes, mail through your own server and keep it as clean as possible.

I have my fingers in a few things and spam is one of the most profitable, it's a part of business and we have to live with it.

I couldn't have said it better myself, Notr..... honestly. I have been on the HOSTING end of this and the only complaints we would get that came directly to us were those people who didn't honor the removes and remove them and instead keep hammering them with it.

Mailings are VERY profitable, if it is done right and with as much respect as you can do it with. If someone who opted-in wants to opt-out, then respect that. Those who don't mind it won't complain and you can weed out the ones that don't want it. I don't mind a little spam sometimes, it's part of it, same as junk mail in my mailbox out in the yard.... but when I ask to be removed from a list and am not taken off, I get REALLY nasty about it and could frankly give two shits who the person is that is spamming me...... if they don't respect my wishes then I show them no respect.

Bottom line is that it is VERY profitable...... but do it reasonably like Notr says here. Abuse it and lose it I always say.
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