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Old 12-11-2007, 04:56 PM   #15
julianw should edit this
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Belgium
Posts: 38
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Clearing up some questions about the P.D.G.
Current version is V 2.0. This version works fine, it has proven itsself to many webmasters
Next version is V 3.0. This version takes that P.D.G. to whole new level.
* No longer online program. It will be a .exe with license checks!
* The ability to add in your own sentences in a good-looking GUI (interface)
* The ability to add in your own variables in a good-looking GUI (interface)
* The ability to generate up to 5 generations per time! (Harry, ya're gnna love this one)
* The function of generating the sentences in random order. Not like now, name,age,etc in the same order every time.
* More packages! small,medium,large --> 25,50,75 USD.
* Program itsself in many many languages (my translation company came in handy here)
* The ability to upgrade your package to a higher package
For those of you who own V 2.0 -> The upgrade (as of right now) is free.
The bill of my scriptor is HUGE! I could buy myself a nice small car... but I decided to make this program kickass!
The program is hopefully done somewhere January 2008, but don't sue me if its gonna be february. (program is abnormally big!!!)
You can still just buy V 2.0 and you wil get a free upgrade to V 3.0 !
Hope to clear up some stuff now
Feel free to post/bump useless stuff!
www.TransAdult.com - Adult Translations
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